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Salvation though is for all men,but it is not forced on people to accept it.It is for a willing soul.
All men are born into sin as the Bible rightly decleared,'The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men,to see if there are any that act wisely,that seek after God.
They have all gone astray,they are all alike corrupt;there is none that does good,no,not one'.Psalm:14:1-2(NEV)
Hence,men need salvation for their respective souls.But the truth is that no man can ransom himself or give God the price of his life,for the ransom is costly,Psalms.49:7-8b.
Many people does not believe that they are in bondage (sin)and needs salvation.And those who believe that they are,expects their saviour to come to their rescure with fire and brimestone to deliever them.
Therefore,they do not subscribe to any other form of a saviour not of their thought.

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